Fascia Lines

Muscles, no matter what they do individually, also affect tissues throughout the entire body through Fascia based interconnections. These interconnections are called Fascia lines and can be followed by the body’s dissectible “meridians” of connective tissue structures. They consist of membranes and ligaments, both superficial and deep connective tissue, loose and tight. Fascia lines create stability, resistance, power, flexibility, elasticity, and above all- compensatory posture. So connective tissue structures work in sync, creating a fluid and balanced movement and a posture that maintains balance and direct contact between all body parts. When muscles are locked in either a static mode, or short locked mode and skeletal parts have gotten out of position the body becomes out of sync.


Your musculoskeletal system includes your bones, cartilage, ligaments, tendons and connective tissues. Your skeleton provides a framework for your muscles and other soft tissues. Together, they support your body's weight, maintain your posture and help you move. If there are issues the symptoms include Stiff Joints, Fatigue, Inflammation, Tenderness, Swelling, Difficulty in moving, Muscle spasm, Bruising and discoloration. Some of the well known musculoskeletal disorders are Tendonitis, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Carpal Tunnel, and Fibromyalgia.

Trigger Points

Trigger points develop in the myofascia, mainly in the center of a muscle belly. There are 3 types of trigger points. Active trigger points are painful when touched and can cause pain in other areas of the body. Passive trigger points are not always painful when touched but may cause pain in other areas of the body. Satellite trigger points are similar to active ones but are not as painful. When your body is under stress, whether the stressor is physical or emotional, it always has a reaction to cope with it. Trigger Points found in your skeletal muscles where your body has the potential to store that stress-energy for a long period of time. These are the locations on your muscles that exhibit extraordinary sensitivity, and in some cases, may become so stressed that they produce limited movement, stiffness, and pain.